Contact Information
Company Name :
Contact Person :
Tel. no. :
Fax no. :
Address :
E-mail :
Customer Information
Name of person :
Tel. no. :
Date of car rental :
Time of car rental From
Type : Single ¡@Dual ¡@ Whole Day
Meeting Place :
Destination :
Car Model :
4 seat Benz 7 seat Benz 12 seat Toyota
12 seat Transit Benz MPV (6 seat) Toyota (8 seat)
All new Benz 140 Other model (please specify)

Customer delay waiting charge is HK$350 per hour.

Payment Method :
By Cash By Cheque
By Monthly Billing By Bank-in
Account No. : Bank of China account no. 019-583-1-045306-8
Amount :
Deposit :
Due :
I / Our company noted above information is correct and willing to pay as per above charge.


Hong Kong Office :

Tel. no. : 852-2652 9618

Mobile Phone : 852-9250 0188 Sunny (24 hour)

Fax no. : 852-2652 9277

China :

Tel. no. : 86-13902914004

Fax : 86-755 2512 1361

E-mail address :